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When is Bulk Fermentation Finished?

Knowing when bulk fermentation is finished is one of the most common problems for many sourdough bakers, including myself. It's also one of the most important skills to learn.

It can mean going from a light, fluffy and beautiful loaf, to a dense, flat brick.

So how do you know when bulk fermentation is complete?

It can be tricky.... so here are a few signs to watch for:

  1. Your dough should increase by at least 50%. SO IMPORTANT!

  2. A domed surface.

  3. A smooth surface with bubbles starting to form.

  4. Be light and fluffy - like a big pillow!

Let's get into the specifics....

Most crucial sign to watch for:

The most important sign is letting your dough increase by at least 50% (it should almost double in size). If it doesn't double, then you run the risk of under fermented dough - leading to sticky dough that's hard to shape and handle. Not to mention, it will be very dense!

Fermentation is temperature dependent

There are several factors that can affect your sourdough, perhaps the most important of these is TEMPERATURE.

Too hot and you can end up with an over-proofed mess. Too cold and your sourdough starter and your dough will struggle to get going.

General rule of thumb: If your home is cold, bulk fermentation will take a lot longer. If it's warmer, it will ferment faster.

You will need to change the timing based on the seasons.


Upcoming Events:

Saturday, March 30th 2-3:30pm

Online Sourdough Classes


Find me at Stormhouse St Patrick's Day Market - Saturday, March 16th 4-8pm

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